Women's Health: Middle Age

Continuing courses / Corsi continuativi / Cursos permanentes
In english
Tibetan Medicine
Screenshot 2024-11-11 alle 12.15.57
  Lunedì 11 Novembre 2024 00:00 - Mercoledì 31 Dicembre 2025 00:00


This course will delve into menopause and its effects on women's bodies, exploring all the stages of a woman's life with a special emphasis on maintaining health and well-being. It is crucial to nurture health at every stage.
In Tibetan culture, a woman’s physical and mental health is regarded as foundational for the strength and vitality of future generations. Tibetan Medicine offers a comprehensive system of methods designed to enhance women’s health from childhood through menopause. A woman’s nurturing energy is seen as vital for the well-being of her family and the proper functioning of society.

The course will cover diet and lifestyle during adulthood, with particular attention to menopause, a time often marked by significant physical and emotional changes. Through this holistic approach, participants will gain valuable insights into supporting women’s health and harmony throughout their lives.

What will the course offer to participants?
Learn at Anytime and anywhere with On-Demand Courses
Resources will be available for you to access on your own time for an unlimited time
The on-demand course offers 4 hours of instructional videos
Available in English and Spanish


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Altre date

  • Da Lunedì 11 Novembre 2024 00:00 a Mercoledì 31 Dicembre 2025 00:00
La Atiyoga Foundation (ATIF) è una fondazione culturale che nasce secondo il desiderio del Prof. Namkhai Norbu di sostenere l’evoluzione dell’individuo attraverso le diverse forme culturali o aree della mente che Namkhai Norbu ha sviluppato durante la sua vita per mettere a disposizione ”condizioni favorevoli per far emergere le potenzialità dell'essere umano”.
Eventi e Corsi