PURIFYING THE BREATH with the Lungsang

Continuing courses / Corsi continuativi / Cursos permanentes
In english
Tibetan Medicine
PURIFYING THE BREATH with the Lungsang
  Lunedì 11 Novembre 2024 00:00 - Mercoledì 31 Dicembre 2025 00:00


This course explores the Second Preliminary Series of Yantra Yoga: "Lungsang"
A sequence of 8 movements that harmonize your breath, movement, and rhythm. You'll also learn breathing exercises: the 9 Purification Breathings and the Rhythmic Breathing.
The course offers profound insights from Tibetan Medicine, illustrating how these exercises enhance both physical and subtle energy levels, promoting overall well-being and the healing process.

These exercises combine breathing, movement, and rhythm to help you master breathing and breath-holding techniques. Each of them explores a fundamental aspect of your breathing, such as slow inhalation, open hold, directed hold, quick exhalation, closed hold, contracted hold, and slow exhalation
Additionally, for those desiring a softer practice, we provide the 'On the Chair' variation, ideal for office use.


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Altre date

  • Da Lunedì 11 Novembre 2024 00:00 a Mercoledì 31 Dicembre 2025 00:00
La Atiyoga Foundation (ATIF) è una fondazione culturale che nasce secondo il desiderio del Prof. Namkhai Norbu di sostenere l’evoluzione dell’individuo attraverso le diverse forme culturali o aree della mente che Namkhai Norbu ha sviluppato durante la sua vita per mettere a disposizione ”condizioni favorevoli per far emergere le potenzialità dell'essere umano”.
Eventi e Corsi