Introduction the Women’s Health

Continuing courses / Corsi continuativi / Cursos permanentes
En español
In english
Tibetan Medicine
Screenshot 2024-11-11 alle 11.27.57
  Lunedì 11 Novembre 2024 00:00 - Mercoledì 31 Dicembre 2025 00:00


In the ancient texts of Traditional Tibetan Medicine, special attention is given to the female body—its natural cycles and its deep connection with the rhythms of the natural world. From adolescence to motherhood and beyond, this traditional healing system offers insights, remedies, and lifestyle practices that can help women maintain balance and well-being throughout the stages of life.

This short course introduces the key principles of Tibetan Medicine, providing practical guidance on balancing your daily routines, addressing common health concerns, and understanding the energies that influence your body. Whether you're seeking natural ways to support your health or wish to deepen your understanding of holistic care, this course offers an excellent starting point.


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Altre date

  • Da Lunedì 11 Novembre 2024 00:00 a Mercoledì 31 Dicembre 2025 00:00
La Atiyoga Foundation (ATIF) è una fondazione culturale che nasce secondo il desiderio del Prof. Namkhai Norbu di sostenere l’evoluzione dell’individuo attraverso le diverse forme culturali o aree della mente che Namkhai Norbu ha sviluppato durante la sua vita per mettere a disposizione ”condizioni favorevoli per far emergere le potenzialità dell'essere umano”.
Eventi e Corsi